Saul Silver Express (Quentin - Midi Deux)

60 mn
Saul Silver Express (Quentin Midi Deux)

Quentin (Midi Deux) / avril 2014 / 58min35

01 Brian Eno / 1/2
02 Ruhe / Still... and always
03 Frédéric D. Oberland, Jayne Amara Ross /Swaddling thickets of white deafness
04 Harald Grosskopf / Traum
05 Gas / Microscopic (Ambient Electronic Space)
06 Voices From The Lake / Lyo
07 Barn Owl / The long shadow
08 Petrels / Concrete
09 Petrels / White and dodger herald the atomic age
10 Barker & Baumecker / Spur

1ère diffusion le 05/05/2014